Local Residents’ Response to the 2018 Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami.
The objective of this webinar is to present and share a NSF-funded RAPID project: Local Residents' Responses to the 2018 Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami. The goal of this RAPID project is to use the Protective Action Decision Model– PADM as a guide to collecting empirical data on people’s behavioral responses to the Palu earthquake and tsunami. Specifically, this project addresses a few major research objectives : 1: Collect data on the amount of time it took officials to decide to issue tsunami evacuation warnings; 2: Collect data on tsunami warning sources, channels, messages and warning dissemination times. This will include data on people’s ability to recognize earthquake shaking as an environmental cue to tsunami onset; 3: Collect data on people’s evacuation participation rates (vs. sheltering in-place), preparation times, and departure times; 4: Collect data on people’s evacuation logistics (e.g., route choices, destination/ accommodations choices, evacuation durations, and evacuation costs); 5: Assess the ability of physical, social, and household contexts; social and environmental cues; socially-transmitted warnings; demographic characteristics; prior experience; and cultural background to predict warning receipt, risk perception/personalization, evacuation decisions, and evacuation departure times. The PIs Wang and Lindell together with local collaborator Dr. Rahmawati Husein have worked closely together and had a field trip to Palu, Indonesia from April 8th to 14th, 2019 and collected 503 samples of household responses from the affected people. This presentation will share the reconnaissance field observations and findings.