Research and Facilities
Research at OSU’s College of Engineering
Leading researchers in the College of Engineering are collaborating across multiple disciplines to address soil liquefaction, which can lead to failure of roads, bridges, buildings, and other critical structures, landslide prediction and mitigation, cost-effective improvements to existing infrastructure, evacuation routes, and tools to plan for hazards and anticipate risks. They also collaborate with the Cascadia Region Earthquake Science Center (CRESCENT).
In conjunction with bright graduate students, undergraduate students, and post-doctoral scholars, OSU faculty conduct CLiP research projects. The FY25 projects include:
- Towards probabilistic liquefaction susceptibility determinations. PI: Dr. Armin Stuedlein
- A Tale of Two Landslide Events: Seasonality of the Big One. PI: Drs. Ben Leshchinsky and Armin Stuedlein
- Your Cell Phone is Now a Drill Rig: Working with GOSEP in Real Time. PIs: Drs. Matt Evans and Ben Leshchinsky
CLiP provided seed funding for a summer undergraduate research program (SURF), which paved the way to bring a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program to OSU called Engineers Bounce Back. Read more about the Engineers Bounce Back Undergraduate Research Program.

Facilities at OSU’s College of Engineering
Oregon State University’s College of Engineering houses the largest near-shore experimental facility at an academic institution in the nation — the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory. In addition, the research facilities and laboratories available in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering are the type found at top engineering schools around the nation, and some of them are unique to only a select number of institutions around the country.
Major laboratories include: